
Suncoast Caravan Service will soon be hitting the road with their Grass Roots Tour. The purpose of the Tour is to raise awareness of how caravanners can support drought and fire affected communities by travelling, visiting and staying. Every dollar you spend when on the road supports local communities throughout Australia.

The Grass Roots Tour will be heading to towns in South-West Queensland from Friday, 13th – Sunday, 22nd of March. As numbers are capped, there are only a very limited number of spots remaining, so please email [email protected] if you would like to join.

Day at Leisure

For the duration of the Tour, we encourage all attendees are encouraged to spend a day at leisure visiting local attractions, nearby towns, having lunch at the local pub, buying goods and services at local businesses and enjoying what our outback towns have to offer. Spending money locally supports small family businesses and the local townspeople. Bookings may be essential, please refer to the Itinerary for more information.


Sponsored Happy Hour Events

In every town, there will be a Sponsored Happy Hour Event, which will support a nominated local community group. The chosen group will provide a dinner for tour attendees, which is generously paid for by one of our gracious sponsors. Surplus funds from the corporate sponsors, will be retained by the nominated community group.

During the Sponsored Happy Hour Events, additional funds will be raised by the tour attendees in the means of donations, games, etc., which will be given to the Nominated Community Groups. Adam and Letitia Twist will MC the Sponsored and Casual Happy Hour Events.