I specialise in making the historic interior, art and decor fun and an educational experience. I am a Visiting Research Fellow in Art History at the University of Adelaide and I have published widely on the domestic interior in representation from the eighteenth century to the modern period. My recent books include: Domestic Interiors: Representing Home from the Victorians to the Moderns, (2013), which won the Art Association of Australia and NZ Best Anthology Prize in 2014; and Designing the French Interior: The Modern Home and Mass Media (edited with Anca Lasc and Mark Taylor 2015) both published by Bloomsbury.
You will have the choice of taking guided tours with me, and trained and experienced art historian to a range of historical house museums and homesteads, from Carrick Hill to Government House, to the Open Air TB Sanatorium at ‘Nunyara’ Belair, to Martindale Hall Nunyara. Past tours have also included the modernist Walkley House in North Adelaide, and new tours are constantly being developed. Tour groups are small and friendly, informative and fun.
Due to current health advice on social distancing, please contact the business for the most up to date information regarding opening times and services.