
Granite Island Nature Park – Guided Penguin Tours


Welcome to the Granite Island Recreation and Nature Park – home to the magical Little Penguins.

Granite Island is home to a small colony of wild Little Penguins, who return home from their day in the ocean at dusk. Granite Island Nature Tours are the best way to see Little Penguins in their natural habitat. But it’s not only Little Penguins you will see, with all the Islands natural wildlife to discover after dark.

The duration of the tour is approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.

Visiting the island for 2 hours after dusk is ONLY available via guided tour to protect the wild penguin colony.

Tours are subject to seasonal availability. During February/March the penguins go through a moulting period. Tours do not operate on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day New Years Eve/New Years Day.

Bookings are essential and each night’s tour close at 4pm.

To book your guided penguin tour visit the Victor Harbor Visitor Information Centre at the Causeway or call.